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What is a Mobile Church?

A Mobile Church (MC)  is a small community or team of disciples (Luke 10:1, 2 Cor 8:23) commissioned by a local church to be the seed of the Kingdom of God (Matt 13:31-32, Jn 12:24-26). MC operates in a local or cross cultural context by the calling and commissioning of sent messengers or missionaries (Acts 13:2-3, Jn 13:15-17). MC format of gathering can take place in homes or common areas (Luke 10:5-9, Acts 2:46). The mission of MC is to be light and salt (Matt 5:14) and be the dwelling place of Christ (Lev 26:12) in the community by practicing the pattern of devotion in Acts 2:42 in a targeted demographic (Acts 16:9). 

What are the tenants of a Mobile Church?

Two or more committed partners. (Matt 18:20)
Public reading of scripture and studying in community. (1 Tim 4:13)
Partnership with one another in a family model. (1 John 3:1)
Practicing communion and sharing of meals. (1 Cor. 11:26)
Praying and Praising God with one another. (Jam 5:13)


What pattern of meeting does the Mobile Church follow in scripture ?

They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

Public reading of scripture and devotion to studying them together in community (Acts 17:11). 
Partnership or committed fellowship together as a working family model to love one another (John 13:35). 
Practicing the presence of Jesus through communion and sharing of meals (1 Cor 10:17). 
Praying for one another’s needs and celebrating each other's victories (Gal 6:2). 


For more information on Mobile Church check out our FAQs or contact us for more detail.


Mobile Church locations and rhythms

Borealis Bristol.jpg

Bristol Cafe Mobile Church

2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays
       10:00am - 11:30am

Home Base Mobile Church

Graceway Community Church Building 

          Every Sunday
       10:00am - 11:30am

The home base mobile church meets at Graceway every Sunday at 215 Forest Ave. in Middletown on Sundays. KidMin is provided during teaching and discussion each week except for our Love in Action Sundays. Every 3rd Sunday a number of the people go out in teams for our "Love in Action" day to minister and bless with the surrounding community.  Contact Adam for details.

Image by Brooke Lark

Wednesday Mobile Church

          Every Wednesday
       12:00pm - 2:00 pm

Pond Ave Mobile Church

2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays
       10:00am - 11:30am

This mobile church meets down the street from the Nitro Bar in upper Newport. This group loves meeting and hosting new people. Contact Laurel Pichette for more details.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Our offices are located at: 

215 Forest Ave. Middletown, RI 02842



Phone: 401-859-1101

1st Sundays: All Church Reunion Service

10AM ~ Graceway Building @ 215 Forest Ave. Middletown, RI, 02842

*A group meets at the church building every Sunday at 10AM for worship


Every Wednesday: Praise & Presence

A time to come together and be in His Presence

6:30PM ~ 215 Forest Ave. Middletown


Other Sundays: Mobile Church Gathering

Newport: 10AM ~ Home Fellowship @ Pond Ave.

Middletown: 10AM ~ Graceway Building @ 215 Forest Ave.

Bristol: 10AM ~ Borealis Coffee @  500 Wood St.

Wednesday 12PM ~ Table Fellowship @ Middletown, RI

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